Newly Declassified Photos of Cheney on 9/11 will Haunt your Nightmares
The following photos were just released in response to a FOIA request filed by a PBS-affiliated documentary filmmaker. They were taken by Cheney's staff photographer on September 11th, 2001.Cheney...
View ArticleTwo out of Three...
Now that it is certain that the man known as “Mullah Omar” has been confirmed dead, we should take note that there is but one name remaining on the short list of the men who brought 9/11 to America:...
View ArticleReporter Gary Webb on CSPAN in 1998
The former San Jose Mercury reporter, Gary Webb, discusses Osama Bin Laden on CSPAN in 1998 as they look at a newspaper article, Webb says he thinks "the US is creating it's own enemies". Gary Webb...
View ArticleWhat I will #neverforget
I will never forget that GW Bush was warned something like 46 times that the attack was coming, but he was already trying to figure out how to invade Iraq between vacations. I will never forget that he...
View ArticleOpen thread for night owls: How the CIA collaborated with filmmakers of 'Zero...
Jason Leopold and Ky Henderson have written a new piece for Vice on the close relationship higher-ups at the Central Intelligence helped twist the views Americans have of the operation that killed...
View ArticleThe GOP's 15 other Benghazi talking points for Hillary Clinton
On October 22, 2015, Democratic frontrunner and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. The supposed scandal has already claimed one...
View ArticleUPDATE x4: Here are 20 things George W. Bush did *after* 9/11.
UPDATE: Someone pointed out that the 100K+ figure consists of both civilians as well as military forces, mercenaries, etc etc...and that "slaughtered" could be considered to be a slam on the U.S....
View ArticleTeam Jeb claims Dubya 'inherited' 9/11 and recession
Stung by Donald Trump's self-evident truth that history did not begin on September 12, 2001 and end at noon on January 20, 2009, Jeb Bush asked, "Does anybody actually blame my brother for 9/11?" As...
View ArticleJoe Biden Contradicts Himself on Osama Bin Laden Raid
Wait, isn't Joe supposed to be Mr. Honest, unlike some other candidates? He first sold himself as less hawkish, and admitted his initial opposition to the raid which ended the evil terrorist Osama Bin...
View ArticleWhile Blair offers ersatz apology for Iraq War, Bush offers none at all
In the coming weeks, the U.K. is certain to be rocked by the Chilcot Inquiry, the years-overdue investigation into the planning, marketing, and execution of the Iraq War under former Labour Prime...
View ArticleSo you say we’re at war with 'radical Islam'…
In the wake of the horrifying ISIS attacks in Paris, the Republicans' best and brightest have one shared message for the American people. "We are at war with radical Islam," Florida Senator Marco Rubio...
View ArticleThe Enigma 2016 GOP Candidates – why two political neophytes are the...
Political pundits (and I am not one) will tell you that the reason why two non-politicians in the 2016 GOP presidential campaign are leading in the polls is because people are sick and tired of the...
View ArticleMemo to GOP: Bush’s only regret was his tough talk on terror
In the aftermath of the bloody attacks in Paris, conservatives are hopping mad that President Obama isn't mad enough. During Obama's G20 press conference, an incredulous CNN's Jim Acosta asked, "Why...
View ArticleBefore Flint, FBI feared terrorists would poison U.S. water supplies
With Tuesday's announcement that the FBI will join the expanding investigation, anyone who doubted the seriousness of the poisoning of the Flint, Michigan, water supply should now recognize their...
View ArticleThe Disturbing Trend of Corrupt Politics
Like weeds overrunning a garden, the political landscape is being taken over by political weeds. These political weeds include voter suppression, wealthy individuals donating large sums of money to...
View ArticleMarco Rubio: Don't blame George Bush for 9/11, blame Bill Clinton
The Republican presidential candidates are locked in a battle, started (naturally) by Donald Trump, over whether or not the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened on George W. Bush's watch. They did, of...
View ArticleOsama bin Laden's Will
On Tuesday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released documents written by Osama bin Laden, including the late terrorist's will, personal letters and warnings to countries including...
View Article3/10/16 ~ Today's TILT! (THINGS I LEARNED TODAY)
March is Women's History MonthToday is Festival of Life in the Cracks DayInternational Bagpipe DayInternational Day of AwesomenessLandline Telephone DayNametag DayPack Your Lunch DayPopcorn Lovers...
View ArticleLibya and 'bad language:' Obama and Bush reveal their worst mistakes as...
In an understandably rare interview with Fox News on Sunday, Barack Obama spoke bluntly about the "worst mistake" of his presidency. That error, as he had also recently explained to the BBC and The...
View ArticleOil and ISIS: If we hadn't needed one, the other wouldn't exist
So much death. Apparently, ISIS decided that the month of Ramadan was an extra special time for killing. A spokesman urged followers to “make it, with God’s permission, a month of pain for infidels...
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