Now that it is certain that the man known as “Mullah Omar” has been confirmed dead, we should take note that there is but one name remaining on the short list of the men who brought 9/11 to America: the current leader of al-Queda, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Taliban Leader Mullah Omar would have been 55 years old this year, however he apparently died in 2013 in a Pakistani Hospital, most likely of a broken heart. Seriously, I’m sure there are a few United States intelligence officials who want to know how one of the top three most wanted criminals in the world died peacefully in a hospital two years ago and it never made it on the TMZ website, let alone the vast intelligence networks of the West. I guess nothing should surprise anyone when it comes to the Pakistani government. Remember Pervez Mousharraf? He was straight out of Disney casting as a sleazy Arab dictator who makes nice with Islamic terrorists, as long as they target Americans and Indians instead of Pakistanis. The current Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, will offer a glimmer of hope for democracy in Pakistan as head of the Muslim League, the largest political party in Pakistan.
Perhaps we will find out more about Omar’s death as time goes by. In 2011, a spokesman for the Afghan intelligence service, Lutfullah Mashal, was quoted as saying that Pakistan’s spy agency, the ISS, had killed Mullah Omar after United States Navy SEAL members killed Osama bin Laden. The Afghan agency later backed off that claim, saying at a news conference late last year that he “might” be dead but that they were unsure. The last audio statement attributed to Mullah Omar was issued in 2006 and Ol’ Omar has been persona non grata since. As far as we know he died in a hospital in Karachi, a city of twenty million people, itself a really strange mystery. Of course, the Pakistanis were protecting him. He died under the same kind of protection that the government used to protect the whereabouts of the compound where Osama Bin Laden was later introduced to SEAL Team Six in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Which brings us back to the last asshole on the list. In the real deck of cards mis-attribution by the Bush Administration in the so-called “War on Terror,” instead of Saddam Hussein and his sons Uday and Qusay, Mullah Omar was the ace of diamonds, Osama Bin Laden was the ace of spades and Ayman al-Zawahiri was and is the Ace of hearts. This because he’s an honest-to-Allah surgeon. His mother must have been so proud! This “doctor,” who treated Anwar Sadat to a hail of bullets and grenades; who delivered a dose of bombs to hundreds killed in the U.S. Embassy bombings in 1998; as well as the true mastermind behind the largest single attack on America when he authorized the use of jumbo jets to kill thousands of innocent people on September 11, 2001.
The last we heard from al-Zawahiri, he made an hour long video announcing that India was to be a new front from which jihad would be waged “to liberate its land, to restore its sovereignty, and to revive its Caliphate.” Reaction among Muslims in India to the formation of the new wing was not well received. al-Queda as a going concern is now reduced to a smoldering ruin. Where ISIS has morphed and risen from these blackened ashes, one thing should be learned from the life experiences of Mssrs. Omar, Bin Laden and al-Zawahri: insane religious zealots who kill in the name of Allah will be hunted down and martyred by the Western democracies. We will never forget. We will never relent. The United States will bring anyone who attacks us or our allies to justice. To that end, we must redouble our efforts to capture and prosecute Ayman al-Zawahri as soon as Pakistan allows.