Commander in chief Trump goes AWOL
“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.” With that phrase, Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States ensures civilian control over—and...
View ArticleAn open letter to Congress.
Dear Congress, First off, I am not here to give you grief, you already get enough of that. being a public representative can be a tough and lonely job. Trying to balance what is right, what you know...
View ArticleLies, damn lies, and fake news
In his 2007 book The Assault on Reason, former Vice President Al Gore warned about what he saw as a dire threat to American democracy. “The 'well-informed citizenry,’” Gore fretted, ”is in danger of...
View ArticleICYMI - Why 911 was NOT like Pearl Harbor. The Day Nothing Changed.
I was checking out Paul Krugman’s blog, and finally got around to reading The Day Nothing Changed. Here’s an excerpt:...In the weeks and months after the atrocity, news media had a narrative about what...
View ArticleTomgram: Engelhardt, Doing Bin Laden's Bidding
This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.Osama Bin Laden’s America Niger, 9/11, and Apocalyptic Humiliation By Tom...
View ArticleWhat do you think that the 2004 election would have looked like without 9/11?
What do you think that the 2004 election would have looked like without 9/11?For instance, would Al Gore have run again? Also, would Hillary Clinton have run in 2004 in this scenario? In addition,...
View ArticleSigns I Might Be Crazy
When you start doing something new you’re a pioneer, a trailblazer, an innovator. When a few years have gone by though and you’re still pretty much the only person doing it, then there’s a pretty good...
View ArticleOpen Letter to Dick Cheney
Mr. former Vice President— or Dick if you don’t mind — I was greatly disturbed to hear that you endorsed Gina Haspel or “Bloody Gina” as she has been affectionately called, for Director of the CIA, and...
View ArticleHow John McCain got lost in 'crazy base world'
When Senator John McCain was laid to rest on Sunday at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, the nation lost one of the giants of American public life. For six decades, McCain served...
View ArticleTrump lies about his bin Laden comments to evade criticism on his other bin...
Donald Trump is at it again. He’s ranting about how the U.S. should have found and captured or killed Osama bin Laden sooner than 2011, with a hefty dose of lies about his own foresight. Why is Trump...
View ArticleA dishonorable discharge for Commander in Chief Trump
On June 4, 2014, Donald Trump as usual was apoplectic. His fury that day was ignited by word that President Obama had authorized the exchange of five Taliban prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl, the Army...
View ArticleMitt Romney deserves no credit and no apologies on Russia
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was back in the headlines this week—not for any particular wisdom regarding authoritarian regimes and movements she shared with the House Intelligence...
View ArticleBirds of a Feather, Mass murderers - Brenton Tarrant, Anders Breivik, Bin...
Al Qaeda et all, including Brenton Tarrrant, Anders Breivik in Norway and Dylann Roof, who murdered people in an African-American church in South Carolina are birds of a feather basking in the glory of...
View ArticleTrump Announces Plan To Raise Osama Bin Laden From The Dead.
Today President Trump shocked the nation, announcing plans to recover Osama Bin Laden’s body from the sea and ultimately raise him from the dead. “Killing Bin Laden was something Obama did,” Trump...
View Articlenever trust anyone under Zero Dark Thirty - will Trump claim he killed (the...
Individual-1 resisted naming Donald Trump Jr., after himself in case Don Jr. ended up being "a loser, But will Trump (somehow) take credit for killing the son of Osama bin Laden, which results from a...
View ArticleWhen will conservatives apologize for calling us traitors and dupes over...
I don’t know about you, but I initially opposed both of George W. Bush’s post-9/11 wars — the Iraq campaign especially.Following the attacks of 9/11, a pitched battle arose between hawks and doves,...
View ArticleConservatives Have Learned Nothing (Neither have we if we let them get away...
In a diary I posted recently asking just how exactly did Trump decide to assassinate a high Iranian military leader and risk war with Iran, one of the poll choices mentioned it would make Putin smile....
View ArticleThe Ghost of Obama Haunts Trump
Why did Trump have Soleimani assassinated? Trump’s grand strategy? No. A compelling offensive action to keep us safe? No. A considered decision that he weighed carefully with other options? Hardly....
View ArticleTrump versus Iran Over Assassination of General Soleimani
The assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Suleimani, Iran’s top security and intelligence commander, must be considered violations of international and humanitarian law. Assassinations are...
The last post in this diary expressed the necessity for action by the next president in order to reestablish constitutional law immediately upon the departure of the Trump cabal and asked readers...
View ArticleWhy we owe Obama some thanks for the new Israel - Arab Emirates deal.
What? Isn’t this Trump’s and Jared’s brainchild? Not totally.You see the deal swings on the UAE getting the assurance that Israel will NOT, as planned, do further annexation in the West Bank for...
View ArticleMark Meadows: Trump 'is the only president who actually went after a...
This morning on Fox & Friends, where brain cells go to die, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows claimed only Donald Trump goes after and takes out terrorists. Though his memory seemed, shall we...
View ArticleMojo Friday - Mass Murderers. Bin Laden vs Trump. 2977 vs 193,000 and Counting.
2977 is the number Wikipedia has as the count for 11 Sept. 2001 attacks. All 4 planes all 3 locations. Total numbers due to fallout continue to rise.Deaths from SARS-CoV-2 may vary depending on who’s...
View ArticleTAKE A VOTE: it's what they died for.
Hero Rob O’Neill, is so awesome. He disagrees with Trump retweeting the “whacko” QAnon theories that bin Laden still lives. O’Neill knows it’s whack because he’s the bin Laden raider who killed bin...
View ArticleThings People Want Me (and You) to Believe
When you go to the movies the industry asks for you to suspend your beliefs and just enjoy the show. That works well for them and you as it allows for the mind to engage in fantasies. Superman can fly...
View ArticleImpeachment Managers - remind Republican Senators and the Nation, 'Bin laden...
A few weeks ago a much overlooked Dkos diary by Windtalker this point. It bears repeating.Tonight I heard Lawrence O’Donnell repeat it on ‘The Last Word’. bin Laden didn’t...
View ArticleDoes Lauren Boebert Have a Gun Fetish? Look What She Displayed at House...
Rep. Lauren Boebert was up in arms at the year’s first meeting of the House Natural Resources Committee. Last Thursday’s video conference meeting was supposed to be devoted to rather mundane...
View Article'That is not how this works': Jen Psaki swats down factually incorrect...
On Wednesday, the White House press briefing was dominated by questions concerning national security. White House press secretary Jen Psaki fielded queries about President Biden’s announcement that the...
View ArticleTen years on, an oral history of the plan to kill Osama bin Laden
On the eve of the ten-year anniversary of the death of bin Laden, Politico has published a gripping oral history featuring the words of those who were involved with deliberating, planning, and...
View ArticleMinerva @ Midnight: oral history of the bin Laden raid demonstrates the...
Politico constructed an oral history of the bin Laden raid and it’s worth the read to get a sense as one can from on oral history, of the authenticity of the event, as well as some interesting details,...
View ArticleIt's about time to shame the last Dixiecrat, Joe Manchin . Here's a case for...
Our democracy is at risk. Trump’s false claims to have won the 2020 presidential election are dangerous enough. We saw the consequences of that. There was nothing that he would not do in order to hold...
View ArticleDonald J Trump issues a statement on the death of a Republican "Patriot".
In light of the success he had with his base in attempting to dox the officer who ended the terrorist threat that was Ashli Babbit, Donald J Trump, twice election loser, twice impeached failed...
View ArticleThere is one president I blame for Afghanistan. And it isn't Trump.
Today, there will be stories comparing the fall of Afghanistan to the U.S. exit from Vietnam, and others by armchair quarterbacks of what should be done and what we should avoid. While the Twitter...
View ArticleThere Is A Villain Left Out Of The Media's Hyperventilating About...
WIth all the hyperventilating about the Taliban’s quick takeover of Afghanistan, there is a villain that is not being mentioned by the Media and all the D.C. foreign policy establishment: PAKISTAN....
View Article9/11: The Judgment of History Won’t Be Kind To Bush & The GOP
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 were a national tragedy for the U.S. Approximately, 3,000 souls perished and another 6,000 were wounded. All Americans mourn their loss. As President Obama said on...
View ArticleTwenty Years On from 9/11 Krugman calls out the real threat to America: the GOP
With the withdrawal from Afghanistan ending America’s longest war, the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is provoking some long overdue introspection regarding what the Global War On Terror is all about, what...
September 11, 2001 was a beautiful day, and I was running late. I tend to do that on beautiful days, when there are things I’d rather do than work. As I stopped at the coffee shop for breakfast I...
View ArticleWhy God allows wars to exist and continue
We keep hoping for a spiritual evolution of humans, but it may be as incremental as Darwin’s evolution with leaders like Kim, Maduro, Putin and Trump. Their maniacal need to cling to power and...
View Article05/02 - El dos de Mayo 1808
Goya's El dos de Mayo 1808 memorializes a popular uprising against Napoleon Bonaparte's occupying troops in Madrid on May 2, 1808. The scene in question, "The Charge of the Mamelukes" attempts to...
View ArticleTrump wasn't interested in taking out top terrorist al-Zawahiri—because he...
If you think Donald Trump couldn’t possibly be more shallow than he appears, think again. Wading into the kiddie pool of his soul won’t even get your feet wet, just sticky—and God only knows what kind...
View ArticleThere is ALWAYS a SIGNIFICANT difference in outcomes depending upon if a D or...
Let’s look at two examples. In 2000, republican, George W Bush became president. “Bin Laden determined to strike US” was the title of a presidential daily briefing. He like the future republican...
View ArticleSaudi Arabia has just bought the PGA in continuing effort at Image Polishing
UPDATE: Wednesday, Jun 7, 2023 · 12:37:43 AM +00:00·xaxnarUpdate: Charlie Pierce is on the case.For those of us who cover sports, even on a limited basis, it was something only a bit short of Jesus In...
View ArticleSymbols (Statues) & False Equivalencies
The person our country has traditionally looked to in troubled timeshas been our President. Sadly, it’s no surprise the current President failed miserably this past Saturday by refusingto make a...
View ArticleThe Review, August 18, 2018 – Trump Wields Security Clearance Revocations as...
Trump revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan this week. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders claimed Brennan had made “outrageous allegations” and “wild outbursts” about the...
View ArticleMusings for Friday - Ban Tik Tok? After What I've Seen This Week, I Agree.
UPDATE: Friday, Nov 17, 2023 · 4:50:55 PM +00:00·TexDemIt seems that the primary concern I have about Tik Tok hasn’t made it to this site. a quick summary.Tik Tok videos of whatever the under 30...
View ArticleOsama bin Laden's 2002 'Letter to America' Has Gone Viral Due to the...
About one year after the 9/11 attacks on the US, the leader of the Islamic terrorist organization of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, published an open letter to America explaining why al Qaeda attacked the...
View ArticleZero Dark Brandon
“And yet we know that the worst images are those that were unseen to the world. The empty seat at the dinner table. Children who were forced to grow up without their mother or their father. Parents...
View ArticleIn an evil echo of 9/11, Putin blames Ukraine after IS-K attacks Kandahar and...
In an evil echo of events in 2001, after Islamic terrorists carried out horrific attacks in Afghanistan and in the capital of another country, the leader of the other country is casting blame in the...
View ArticleDestroyers of America
Stupid Bin Laden! You can never destroy America by flying planes into buildings! The only way to really destroy America is from within.
View ArticleKitchen Table Kibitzing 9/11/24: Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.
We all know what happened 23 years ago today. Maybe if Dubya had done his job it wouldn’t have. Big Dick is voting for Kamala, fine. He’s still a big dick."Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US" was a...
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