McCain attacks Obama over Afghanistan war he declared won in 2003
Last month, President Obama expanded the role of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and signaled he may defer any additional year-end drawdown from the 9,800 troops currently there. But to make sure the...
View ArticleRepublicans show how it's done
They say the best defense is a good offense. As the GOP prepares for its convention in Cleveland, Republicans have little other choice. After all, the Party of Lincoln is about to officially crown the...
View ArticleAbout that Republican Promise to "Make America Safe Again"
And that's just a sampling from the last time we had a Republican in the White House.
View ArticleTrump: I would have caught Bin Laden Before 9/11.
It is such a farce, but sexist asshats like Lauer and the New York Times continue to portray Hillary to be “as bad” as Trump. Only a moronic sexist idiot would see it that way.The latest: “I would’ve...
View ArticleCongress really IS useless!
Why doe we even bother having a Congress anymore? Maybe they’ve been stuck in “neutral” for so long that they’ve forgotten how to drive. But now it turns out that they’re damned if they do, and...
View ArticleThank you Mr. President !!!
He first came to public attention at his 2004 DNC Convention Speech .xYouTube Video Always the uniter !Then, he saw that our country needed him ! So, he ran for US President ! He was a great underdog...
View ArticleDon't Forget ... We Got Bin Laden, Without Giving Up Our Liberty
President Obama gave his farewell foreign policy address in the form of a speech at MacDill Air Force Base, the Florida headquarters of US Central Command and Special Operations Command. The through...
View ArticleI'm Surprised They Haven't Tried
Thank you to Kevin Drum of Mother Jones for giving us this inspiring list of things Pres. Obama has accomplish:Affordable Care ActStimulus packageClimate actions: Paris agreement, EPA power plant...
View ArticleBeau Willimon: Osama Bin Laden would love the Trump-Bannon war agenda—it's...
In his point-by-point assessment, House of Cards creator Beau Willimon lays out how Donald Trump and his Chief Strategist Steve Bannon are making this country ripe for war. He’s says the paranoia and...
View ArticleCommander in chief Trump goes AWOL
“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.” With that phrase, Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States ensures civilian control over—and...
View ArticleAn open letter to Congress.
Dear Congress, First off, I am not here to give you grief, you already get enough of that. being a public representative can be a tough and lonely job. Trying to balance what is right, what you know...
View ArticleLies, damn lies, and fake news
In his 2007 book The Assault on Reason, former Vice President Al Gore warned about what he saw as a dire threat to American democracy. “The 'well-informed citizenry,’” Gore fretted, ”is in danger of...
View ArticleICYMI - Why 911 was NOT like Pearl Harbor. The Day Nothing Changed.
I was checking out Paul Krugman’s blog, and finally got around to reading The Day Nothing Changed. Here’s an excerpt:...In the weeks and months after the atrocity, news media had a narrative about what...
View ArticleTomgram: Engelhardt, Doing Bin Laden's Bidding
This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.Osama Bin Laden’s America Niger, 9/11, and Apocalyptic Humiliation By Tom...
View ArticleWhat do you think that the 2004 election would have looked like without 9/11?
What do you think that the 2004 election would have looked like without 9/11?For instance, would Al Gore have run again? Also, would Hillary Clinton have run in 2004 in this scenario? In addition,...
View ArticleSigns I Might Be Crazy
When you start doing something new you’re a pioneer, a trailblazer, an innovator. When a few years have gone by though and you’re still pretty much the only person doing it, then there’s a pretty good...
View ArticleOpen Letter to Dick Cheney
Mr. former Vice President— or Dick if you don’t mind — I was greatly disturbed to hear that you endorsed Gina Haspel or “Bloody Gina” as she has been affectionately called, for Director of the CIA, and...
View ArticleHow John McCain got lost in 'crazy base world'
When Senator John McCain was laid to rest on Sunday at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, the nation lost one of the giants of American public life. For six decades, McCain served...
View ArticleTrump lies about his bin Laden comments to evade criticism on his other bin...
Donald Trump is at it again. He’s ranting about how the U.S. should have found and captured or killed Osama bin Laden sooner than 2011, with a hefty dose of lies about his own foresight. Why is Trump...
View ArticleA dishonorable discharge for Commander in Chief Trump
On June 4, 2014, Donald Trump as usual was apoplectic. His fury that day was ignited by word that President Obama had authorized the exchange of five Taliban prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl, the Army...
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