Paul Wolfowitz, "The Pusher," is Back as Advisor to Jeb. still was the list of Jeb's advisors published this week, a list which included - and was tarnished by - the genuinely execrable Paul Wolfowitz. For those who...
View ArticleOsama bin Laden Still Alive
Fear and Loathing in AmericaDo not worry, dear readers, I am not, as the headline might suggest, going for the conspiracy angle that bin Laden and Elvis are working at the same 7-Eleven in Kalamazoo,...
View ArticleBin Laden Speaks at CPAC
Yesterday, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was addressed by Osama Bin Laden, who received the "Andrew Breibart Defender of the First Amendment Award" from Citizens United.
View ArticleJudith Miller lies about Bush's Iraq lies
If being a neocon means never having to say you're sorry, then being an accessory to a world-historical mistake must grant you some kind of magical immunity. So it would seem after reading Bush...
View ArticleDowd At NY Times pries open C.I.A.'s Pandora's Box. Gee, no torture. Nothing...
MoDo celebrates Easter as always: a turn at stylish whining."Good Riddance, Carrie Mathison"This "Carrie Mathison" is the lead character, played by Claire Danes, in the "Homeland" television series....
View ArticleI ain't gonna study war no more
I’m not a foreign policy expert. My knowledge of Middle Eastern history and politics peaked in eighth grade, when I debated Israel’s occupation of Gaza with my classmate Josh, who donned a PLO head...
View ArticleSam Harris's socially acceptable apologia for killing children, ethnic...
This was written in August 2014 and published on my blog as Why Do I Criticize The Israeli Government? My Response To Sam Harris. I'm posting it here because it's a long-form response to many views...
View ArticleThe Middle East . . . War and Remembrances Part 2 of 2
We in the West still want to believe that we went to Iraq as "liberators" to improve the average Iraqi's standard of living, to bring freedom and democracy, and give them a better "more western"...
View ArticleSeymour Hersh on The Killing of Osama bin Laden, or, why the war on terror is...
There has been much speculation and pontificating in the news about Seymour Hersh's article about the real facts surrounding the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The White House has claimed that Hersh's...
View ArticleWhat Sy Hersh Isn't Saying . . .
A: Do you have any 8s?B: No, I don’t have any fucking 8s. You’ve asked for 8s like a billion times! Go fucking FISH!A: Oooookay, jeez. Chill.B: Sorry, I’m just irritated because we haven’t found...
View ArticleThere's A New Sheriff In Town
So who appointed President Obama World Sheriff*? We did. •••If you take every form of modern mechanical armaments and all types of explosives away from strong nations, they will fight with fists,...
View ArticleHersh's bin Laden Tale: Exchanging One Bogosity for Another
Seymour Hersh's Osama bin Laden endgame blockbuster story is getting a bit more coverage in the wider mainstream media than some of his other recent post-Abu-Ghraib stories (such as, for instance, his...
View ArticleGeorge W. Bush unrepentant in defense of his Iraq invasion
Knowing what he knows now about the reaction to his statement that knowing what he knows now he would still have gone into Iraq, Jeb Bush on Friday comically reversed course on his brother's 2003...
View ArticleDemocracy in the Age of Government Secrecy
This week Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hirsch published, in the London Review of Books, a story casting substantial doubts on the Obama administration's various (and changing) stories...
View ArticleCheney Thought Al Qaeda Was Bluffing
(illustration courtesy of Mad Magazine)In case you didn't yet know Cheney was recklessly incompetent. From presented with an actual terror threat – the one that turned into the...
View ArticleGary Hart was right on Iraq, then and now
In the wake of Jeb Bush's whiplash-producing reversal last week, the U.S. media is engaged in a feeding frenzy over who would have supported the Iraq war "knowing what we know now." For his part,...
View Article"Morons. I've got morons on my team"
Thus spake Strother Martin:And now we learn that because ... uh ... pornography is icky, our team is not going to release Osama bin Laden's porn stash. Now, let's see: we've got a holy warrior jihadi...
View ArticleConnect! Unite! Act! Dallas, Houston, Seattle, L.A. & Glacier Park Meet-up...
A daily series, Connect! Unite! Act! seeks to create face-to-face networks in each congressional district. Groups regularly socialize but also get out the vote, support candidates and engage in other...
View ArticleAn image of Hillary Clinton that might surprise you
appears on p. 158 of the new book by former CIA #2 Michael Morrell, a book titled The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Against Terrorism From Al Qaeda to ISIS. It is in the context of the planning and...
View ArticleSeymour Hersh and the Spy Who Billed Me
Seymour Hersh's blockbuster storyThe Killing of Osama bin Laden, got a lot of attention for a very short period of time. That media attention was mostly in the form of character assassination such as...
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