We in the West still want to believe that we went to Iraq as "liberators" to improve the average Iraqi's standard of living, to bring freedom and democracy, and give them a better "more western" oriented life-style. This is bull-shit! We went there to secure access to the second largest oil reserves in the Middle East. 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction were just convenient excuses to mask what was an out-right invasion, in violation of international protocols and agreements to which the U.S. is a prominent signatory. Also, we didn't invade Iraq to "get" Osama Bin Laden. He was in Afghanistan at the time, and we had a chance to kill or capture him at Tora Bora on the border with Pakistan, but George W. Bush chickened-out. In spite of what we were told and led to believe, Saddam was never a threat to America,and Al Qaeda was not in Iraq.