With Tuesday's announcement that the FBI will join the expanding investigation, anyone who doubted the seriousness of the poisoning of the Flint, Michigan, water supply should now recognize their error. After all, until the administration of Republican Gov. Rick Snyder and his emergency manager in Flint knowingly jeopardized the health of thousands, the FBI feared al Qaeda terrorists would do the same thing.
As the Detroit Free Press reported:
Gina Balaya, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Detroit, told the Free Press Monday that federal prosecutors are "working with a multi-agency investigation team on the Flint water contamination matter, including the FBI, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, EPA's Office of Inspector General, and EPA's Criminal Investigation Division."The office of U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said Jan. 5 that it was assisting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in a Flint drinking water investigation, but at that time, Balaya would not say whether the investigation was civil or criminal.
Back in 2002, there was no doubt that the FBI's investigations were very much criminal in nature. As Carl Cameron reported for Fox News on July 30 of that year:
Federal officials have arrested two Al Qaeda terror suspects in the U.S. with documents in their possession about how to poison the country's water supplies, Fox News has learned.The first case involves James Ujaama, 36, who surrendered to the FBI last week in Denver. Sources say they found documents about water poisoning among several other terrorism-related documents in his Denver residence...Another former member of the mosque is also now in custody and suspected of plotting terrorist attacks. His name is Semi Osman and he too is accused of having documents about poisoning water supplies in his possession when he was arrested.
On February 11, 2003, FBI Director Robert Mueller testified to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about al Qaeda terror threats within the United States that his agency was taking very seriously:
"Poisoning food and water supplies also may be an attractive tactic in the future. Although technologically challenging, a successful attempt might cause thousands of casualties, sow fear among the US population, and undermine public confidence in the food and water supply."
As it turns out, fears of terrorist sabotage of American water supplies pre-dated the September 11 attacks.